Hesketh Conclave
Small but perfectly formed
On Wednesday the 27th October 2021,  the members of Hesketh Conclave, came together for their first meeting in twenty months. Not due to lethargy, far from it, but just like the rest of the World, we did as we were told and stayed at home.
Stephen Gregory D.I.G., with Ron Gates Sovereign and Jon Measures Eusebius
Now restarting a piece of machinery that has been stood for a good while can be a problem, not so for the Hesketh Machine, it was cranked up and raring to go in no time at all.
The October meeting is the enthronement meeting in any event, but as we have been in limbo, it was decided that The Sovereign, P.Kt. Ron Gates would remain in office for the coming year, this is Ron’s third year in the office and the dispensations were applied for in good time for the ceremony to run smoothly.
Dispensations took up a fair bit of the time in honesty, with the venue change due to Leyland no longer being available to us, and the need to elect and instal at the same meeting, I as Recorder was on my feet for a fair while.
The Knights in attendance
Once Ron had been Proclaimed, he formally appointed and invested his officers, and the Deputy Intendant General, Stephen Gregory, brought his own greetings and those of the Intendant General, R.Ill Kt Graham Williams to Ron and the Conclave.
On to passing the accounts for the last two years followed by changing our by-laws which changing our venue to Chorley and meeting pattern slightly were approved.
Ray Haworth a long-standing member of the Conclave was elected as an honorary member.
Following a collection for worthy causes the Conclave was closed by Eusebius, Jon Measures.
Hesketh is not the largest Conclave in the Division, but it is most certainly ‘perfectly formed.’
It currently meets at Chorley Masonic Hall on the last Wednesdays of October, February and April. If you are interested in joining us please contact the Recorder (me) who just happens to be the webmaster.
Mike Beesley, Recorder